Assignment: I'd like you to enter into a discussion about the following:
What was your favorite poem? Your least favorite poem? Why?
My favorite poem was "To His Coy Mistress' by Andrew Marvell because of the fact it was written in 1681 and the man is trying to convince his girlfriend it is time to move up a level..The poem is creative and fun.
My least favorite poem was "Sex Without Love" just because I do not see the significance. To me, it is not a huge contribution to literature. Just my opinion, though.
What was your favorite short story? Your least favorite short story? Why?
My least favorite short story was "The Hunger Artist" because it was sad and dreary. The poor artist was desperate because no one appreciated his sacrifice and his art. It was depressing.
My favorite short story was "To Build a Fire" because it reminded me of Into the Wild the story of the young man who wanted to live off the land in Alaska, but didn't know about all he should know about of the wilderness. It was a real story to me just because people are capable misjudging their surroundings, even when they have been informed of serious consequences.
Should next semester's ENGL150 students read Death of a Salesman?
I really enjoyed reading and seeing the film. When I read the story and watched the film I was able to have compassion for all of the characters. I really liked the actors in the film, so that probably helped. The play was really written well. I was very interested in reading it.
How did you feel about watching Hollywood versions of Bartleby and Death of a Salesman? Is there utility in seeing a visual version of something you're responsible to read?
I think it is really great to read the play or story first, then watch the film. I liked both films. When I read the story or play I can get my first impression. Watching the films was a nice addition to reading, but I am very happy I read the two pieces of work too.
What was your favorite in-class activity? What was your least favorite in-class activity?
I really like in-class discussions because of the differing ideas that are presented by everyone. I like getting together in groups too and discussing the topics we had.
You'll notice that I didn't have your small groups present (even though the syllabus claimed you would). Did you miss that? Would you have rather that whole-class discussions were led by students doing presentations?
I didn't miss presentations. I like presentations okay, though. It takes extra time to put together a good presentation. I really enjoy in-class discussions and small groups.
Finally, what are your feelings on the creative blog entries? Which entry did you enjoy most? Least?
I loved the blogs. My favorite one is the facebook imitation.
I won't specify a length for this, as long as you answer the questions above. However, the more specific you can be, the more helpful your answers will be as I reflect on this semester and what I'm going to change for the next ENGL150.